I have been trying to make a site for years but even if I created one, I usually was bored of it right away.
I now believe this blog, (yes this is the first time I have tried a blog!!) will have a better future.
If you like it subscribe to be up-dated.
I am certain that what is coming is good.
Now this says about the greek translation of the blog.
ἁν καί τῷ παρελθῷ εἲναι κακό, ἠ σελίδα αὐτή ἐλπίζομεν πώς θά ἒχει μέλλον.
Για αυτό αν και η κύρια σελίδα θα είναι στα αγγλικά θα υπάρχει και η μεταφρασμένη έκδοσή της.
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